Shonisani Netshia is a lecturer in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg, specialising in Painting. She received her Bachelor of Technology degree in Fine Arts in the Department of Visual Art in 2007 and recently completed Magister Technology of Fine Art in the Department of Visual Art for her dissertation entitled From Colonial to Post-Colonial: Shifts in cultural meanings in Dutch lace and Shweshwe fabric (2010).

In her work she uses crocheted doilies, and plastic tablecloths and placemats, as well as Shweshwe fabric as visual references in the production of large to small-scale paintings. In these she explores how, through painterly alteration and transformation, shifts can occur in the meanings of patterns derived from these culturally- loaded sources. Netshia has also been involved in several group and collaborative arts projects and has facilitated workshops funded by the Goethe Institute of Johannesburg.