Lawyers of Tunisia since 2010. Trained to work in different contexts and different languages, as an international bilingual Arabic-French writer, director, lawyer, lecturer, researcher and bridge builder. She had the double opportunity/responsibility to conceive, manage and take part in wide-reaching artistic, cultural and legal projects in different countries. Through ongoing thought-provoking artistic work, she is constantly looking to provide fresh insights into a range of politicized topics surrounding social, political and economic inequalities. Her art works address the topic of instrumentalization, labelization and victimization in the construction of the current dominant intercultural narratives. Her academic and artistic research focus on empowerment and resistance narratives. In 2015, Bousselmi took part in the drafting committee of the “Carthage Declaration for the Protection of Artists in a Vulnerable Situation”.  Since 2017, she has been working regularly with the ARTS RIGHTS JUSTICE Academy in Hildesheim University to lead workshops and write research articles in the field of Cultural politics.  Since 2018, she has  been an independent consultant and curator for Safe Havens and Freedom Talks (SH|FT), a non-profit organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of artists at risk and artistic freedom. As part of her PhD thesis at the University of Hildesheim, she is conducting research on the Staging of (in)Justice. Since 2022 she has been a Research Assistant at the DFG (German Research Foundation) Research Training Group “Aesthetic Practice” at the Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture of the University of Hildesheim